Support us by volunteering, partnering with us, collaborating with us, donating, getting involved or becoming an ambassador…
Support us by volunteering, partnering with us, collaborating with us, donating, getting involved or becoming an ambassador…
ISDJ is a registered non-profit organisation; if you would like to support the work we do, you can become a sponsor or make a donation. Funding will make it possible to take the information to communities and empower them to address economic and financial abuse in their communities as well as educate people on their children’s rights to financial support from both parents and how to navigate the maintenance process.
Funding will allow us to train volunteers and roll out our volunteer program which includes court support and client assistance at community centres and on the support groups. You can become an ambassador for economic and financial abuse, if you have experienced economic or financial abuse or if this form of abuse resonates with you.
Sponsorship / funding opportunities…
● Sponsor a community outreach workshop
● Sponsor community advice centre workshops
● Sponsor advertising
● Sponsor research
● Sponsor educational material
● Sponsor an awareness campaign
● Sponsor a GBV workshop / maintenance workshop for people who work in family matters